Sunday, 30 March 2014

Life Update #2

Here are my seven happy things of the week:
Monday: My Cactus finally grew a little flower!
Wednesday: Naseptin to make my nose feel better! 
Thursday: Finally found my heat protection spray (Superdrug own brand)
Friday: I love this film so much...
Saturday: These egg and spoons are absolutely gorgeous.
Sunday: Cute little lambs.

So that's my seven for the week! 
Song of the week: Magic by Coldplay
Thing I Did This Week that I Wouldn't Usually Do: Went to a Comedy concert.

Well that's all...


Saturday, 29 March 2014

Experimenting with Eye Makeup

A couple of days ago, I was playing around with my Fearne Cotton Eye-shadow palette and tried a couple of styles that I had never really tried before (I'm boring and stick to the typical browny, neutral colours).
Unopened Eye-shadow
Opened Eye-shadow
Anyway, I thought I'd show you one of my results, because to be honest, I really like it.
Colour A
Colour B

The mascara I was wearing throughout.

So tell me, did you like my look? Comment your answer below!


Thursday, 27 March 2014

How-To: Come Up With Book Ideas

This post is about coming up with book ideas. I picked this as my first How-To as writing a book is on my bucket list.

  1. Write about things you know about. Chances are, whatever you write about you will have to do some research but if you write about something you're familiar with then you can spend more time focusing on the actual story. Just don't write a story set during the French Revolution if you have no idea about that time period (or failed history).
  2. Think of the books you like to read. If you enjoy reading about something- or someone- then chances are that other people will too. Also, you're more likely to enjoy writing it and the ideas might just flow that little bit easier.
  3. Come up with the title first. This isn't the most definitive advice and it does only work for some people (including me). Often, I'll be walking down the street and hear or word of phrase that piques my interest. Somehow my mind then attempts to come up with an idea to fit around the title.
  4. Don't force ideas. Sometimes you can'tcome up with any ideas, that's absolutely fine. Take a break, eat some biscuits but don't stress. Sometimes you do manage to come up with an idea but can't construct the full story. That too is fine, it will come to you at some point and if it doesn't, maybe the idea isn't that good.
  5. Take inspiration from things around you. Sometimes I see people and think: 'they're make a great werewolf' etc (what can I say, he had weird sideburns). And then construct stories their characters could be a part of. Or take a slightly strange event that happens to me and blow it widely out of proportion. Keep your eyes and ears open, inspiration is everywhere around you.
Anyway, that will be all. Hopefully I didn't sound too much like an annoying English teacher and maybe this post happened to help you...


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

My Bucket List

Recently I wrote a bucket list featuring twenty items that I want to do at some point in my life. I decided to share it with you, in the hope that it would encourage me to do them. Hopefully I'll be sharing some information about completed items in the future. I am viewing this as more of a long-term to-do list, than a before I die list.

  1. Write a novel- It's something I've started and given up on time and time again. Hopefully, there;ll be a point in my life when I'll actually stick to one of my stories.
  2. Learn a new language- I already speak some French and Spanish but I would like to learn another. Not necessarily so I'm fluent but enough that I could get by for a week on my own.
  3. Learn another instrument- I currently play the flute (cool, right...) but have always loved the idea of learning the piano or guitar.
  4. Listen to every song on my IPod- I currently have 1771 songs on my IPod but there are still at least a hundred I have not listened to (at least). I am determined.
  5. Visit every continent- Technically I've visited 4/7. But I want to go to them all and say that I can actually remember going.
  6. Pass all my GCSEs- At the moment this is my main focus. Two down, god knows how many to go...
  7. Learn a new skill- I'm not sure what but I want to learn a new skill. (And relearning doesn't count so knitting is out of the window.)
  8. Go on a road trip- Preferably around america but anywhere really, I just love the idea and it always seems like an awesome experience whenever I hear anyone talking about it.
  9. Conquer my fear of heights- I am terrified of heights. admittedly it's more a fear of falling, but it doesn't stop me being petrified whenever I go anywhere remotely high up.
  10. Tell a boy I love him- I really hope I do this at some point in my life, I mean, I'm not the ice queen (at least not as far as I know).
  11. Visit New York- I've never been but it seems like an amazing place to visit (and shop, yes shopping). I know people who have been and some of their stories are amazing.
  12. Do something for charity- Be it donating blood or helping at a homeless shelter I want to do something to help others.
  13. Go on Safari- I love animals (I have a slight obsession with a local zoo) and so this is my dream holiday.
  14. Be able to say (and remember) Hello, Goodbye, Thank you and I don't speak.... in 50 different languages- I adore learning new languages.
  15. Stay up all night- I'm early to bed and early to rise. For one, I'd like to be able to stay up all night. Movie marathon anyone?
  16. Watch all the films in the IMDB Top 250- I love watching films (who doesn't) and apparently these are the best.
  17. Create (or at least write) a web-series- These fascinate me and as already discussed I like writing, so this would be an interesting experience.
  18. See the Northern Lights- Apparently I've already seen them, when I was four. But I'd love to go and see them properly.
  19. Meet a celebrity- This does include YouTube and blogging celebrities. I mean, I'd view it as an honour to meet them, even if other people might not.
  20. Learn to cook my grandma's meat and potato pie and my mum's crumble- In my view, the two best meals in the world, and I want to be able to make them.
That's my bucket list then. Do you have a bucket list? If you do feel free to comment some items you have on it.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Life Update #1 (with Stock Take)

Hello! So this week I discovered something called the Happy Days Challenge, where you take a picture of something that makes you happy each day. Here are my seven for the week:
Monday. I was ill.
Tuesday. A Cup of tea is always useful when you feel like you're dying.
Wednesday. The sun was actually shining.
Thursday. I discovered that these shoes still fit me. I wore them to the party.
Friday. My mother's amazing apple crumble.
Saturday. I love to start a new book.
Sunday. My gorgeously comfy slipper boots.

So that's that!
And what did I do this week that I wouldn't usually do? I went to a party.
Song of the Week: Human by Christina Perri.

Taking Stock

I found this on another blog recently (I can't for the life of me remember which one, I think it was Sail Boat) and thought it was really cute and cool.

Making: Plans for future blog posts.
Cooking: Sausage and mash for lunch.
Drinking: Tea!!!!
Reading: Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher (seriously recommend)
Wanting: To not have to go back to school tomorrow.
Looking: At my Spanish Controlled Assessment without any of it going in!
Playing: Nothing. My Nintendo DS broke on Friday. :(
Deciding: Whether is is worth telling my friends and family that I blog.
Wishing: That my nose wasn't broken. (More on that later).
Enjoying: Not having been at school since Wednesday.
Waiting: For about four people to text me back.
Liking: Actually having some of my own money to spend.
Wondering: What on earth I want to do with my life.
Loving: Tanya Burr. I read all her blog posts in a day, and I mean all, even right at the start.
Pondering: If wondering and pondering are the same thing...
Considering: Giving up giving up chocolate for lent.
Watching: Brooklyn Nine Nine. Love <3.
Hoping: That I'm not going to need an operation on my nose.
Marveling: At how easily I can get bored.
Needing: Some foundation!
Smelling: My newly found lavender perfume.
Wearing: My onesie.
Following: Zoella on bloglovin. That girl is amazing!
Noticing: How the weather in England is slowly returning to normal after the brief glimpse of sunshine.
Knowing: That I should really be revising my English Controlled Assessment.
Thinking: That I have no idea about how to write an essay on Lord Capulet.
Feeling: Tired...
Admiring: Those who can be bothered to get up at five in the morning before school to do their hair and makeup.
Sorting: Out my blog.
Buying: New books.
Getting: Given lots of chocolate because of my 'injury'.
Bookmarking: Interesting blog ideas and cool hairstyles.
Disliking: Nothing much. I'm in a pretty good mood.
Opening: A clean page in my life story. :)
Giggling: At old O2L YouTube videos.


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Outfit of the Night OOTN

Shoes - Next - £20 (Sorry you can't see them, I'll have a picture up tomorrow)
Dress - New Look (last season, sorry) - £16
Bracelet - Monsoon - £4.50
Necklace - Claire's - £3.00
Toe-less Tights - Co-op - £2
Nail Varnish - Rimmel London Wear Max No.286 Oyster Pink - £7

I went to a party recently and I thought I'd show you what I wore. The dress code was smart-casual, which I absolutely hate as I never really know what fits under that title. I nearly refused to go because of it (that and the fact that I am hardly a social butterfly).

In the end I went for the daisy dress I bought for my holidays last year. At first I thought it might be too casual but managed to jazz it up with some accessories, my bejeweled shoes and a simple yet stylish slate grey cardigan (which for some reason, I din't think to take a picture of). I felt really comfortable all evening and I am so glad this dress is versatile as I absolutely adore it.

So what do you think? Would you wear it? Comment below.


Thursday, 20 March 2014

What are these How-To posts?

I was just going to jump straight into each of my sections but I decided against that for the 'How-To' section as it could maybe do with a bit more explaining.

This area is going to be where I post tips, advice and instructions on different skills and crafts. This could range from recipes, to how to write a book, to tips for surviving school. There will also be more crafty things, such as sewing, origami and practical instructions like how to make your bed.

I hope to learn new skills while writing this section and hopefully you will too.

The only things this section will not feature is beauty and fashion tutoials as those will be posted on a Saturday as part of the Beauty section of my blog.

Hopefully that has made it more obvious what this section is about and I hope you enjoy learning new things with me!


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Little Nik-naks

I absolutely love little Nik-naks, especially if they're from other countries. I like to collect random things to remind me of all the different places I have visited (and would like to visit again).

It's not just that though. I went shopping yesterday in a gorgeous little shop near me and I spent nearly half an hour in there. Sadly I didn't have any money to spend on myself (I was buying a birthday present) but I intend to go back there. At least to get the gorgeous little wildlife themed storage tins I saw, that would be perfect for storing my makeup in.

And I love the signs and cushions you can get with strange little sayings on them, (which lets face it are great when they're funny) and can't wait to get my own house so I can decorate it with the things. Currently, all I've got is my windowsill...

I thought I'd show you a few of my little Nik-naks and feel free to tell me about some of yours in the comments.

These little figurines I bought seven years ago when we went to Cornwall for a week, I love them as they are very cute but they are also insanely expensive.

This cat is supposed to bring me luck with money (it's not working so far). Me and my dad bought them from the British History Museum in London (he got a pink one for love).

This is, well I'm not really sure what it is. You can convert it into lots of different shapes and it only cost me the equivalent of about 50p from a street stall in Bulgaria last year.

This cute little heart has a bell inside. It is completely and utterly pointless but I just think it is so gorgeous to look at that I don't really care.


Sunday, 16 March 2014


Hi! I'm Charlotte, just another girl trying to interest you in her life. Jumping on board the bandwagon as my grandma would say.

So what exactly is Charlotte's Choice? Well it's a lifestyle and beauty blog that's main aim is to help me, Charlotte, find like minded people and hopefully help you, make you laugh or give you ideas you've never thought about.

Tuesdays will welcome lifestyle posts or as I like to refer to them, What's On My Mind posts. It will range from my days out to random things that catch my interest (and I hope will catch yours).

Thursdays will be home to 'How-To' posts (or tutorials). I will try to teach you new languages, crafts, instruments, and skills. I'm hoping I'll learn some new things along the way too.

Saturdays will play host to beauty posts. Overdone, I know, but hopefully my take on makeup and fashion (I am on a severe budget and live in the middle of nowhere) will make a difference. That and the fact, that I'm not exactly an expert at makeup.

Then on Sundays I'll update you on my life, just in case you're interested. Including the thing I've done this week that I wouldn't usually do. This week I started a blog.

So I hope to see you on Tuesday, for my first real post. A lifestyle post.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog.



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